Yesterday I woke up, got out of the house early and took the 2 little ones to my parents house for help making an egg cupcake recipe. This was my first attempt at a recipe in the book I am following and I needed a little help. I gathered up all the ingredients that we had at our house, dropped the kids off and ran to the grocery store to get the rest. I found the ingredients I thought I needed, got to the checkout stand and realized I left my wallet at home. Went home got the wallet, bought the food and went back to my parents and we started to prepare. What should have taken 15 minutes to prep took closer to an hour.
Some important things I learned:
1. I learned a blender does not chop vegetables nearly as well as a food processor even though there is a "chop" button (originally my parents didn't think they had a food processor but we found one).
2. I learned that I need to read the ingredients and how to prepare them very closely. Red and green peppers are not the same as "roasted red and green peppers" which I also learned come in a jar or need to be made prior to baking. We put them in the oven.
3. I learned how to cut peppers and that knives absolutely intimidate me.
4. Another great thing I learned is that we should include our kids more in the food prep. Alexis wanted to help break an egg and she put her hand in there and squeezed. After my initial surprise that it cracked sending both the egg and shell into the bowl, I fished the shell out and I let her do another one, which she loved. Originally I didn't want her to touch the eggs because of the raw yolk, and the messiness of it all, but we just washed her hands well and she was fine.
5. Lastly, I learned that I may need a lot of cooking help to get through this challenge. My skills are weak at best.
Overall, the egg cupcakes turned out just fine. We all had some for breakfast and I had enough to bring home for AJ and Scott. This Paleo challenge may turn out to be more of a family affair than I thought!