Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and a sweet potato
Snack: Cashews and a banana
Later Snack: Almonds and a peach mango pouch (yes, one of my kids' pouches). They are tasty and quick. We go for the organic with only pure ingredients.
Lunch: Today we had our youngest, Sienna, baptized. For the other two kids we had 50+ people at a pizza place for lunch afterwards. To keep costs down we had Sienna's post-baptism lunch at a local restaurant with only our immediate family and the Godparents. At this restaurant, I would have typically ordered a burger (no bun) and fries or a grilled chicken/avocado melt (with cheese, no bun). It was the first time I really looked at the menu and had to find another option. The most difficult part about the lunch was watching the potato skins go by. They looked so yummy and greasy! I was also worried that I would have to watch everyone around me eat fries, but most of the people ended up ordering a more healthy meal. I ordered a tasty broiled salmon with a mango salsa, spinach with some lemon, and a house salad with olive oil and lemon for dressing (if you are trying to eat gluten-free, remember to tell the server no croutons on the salad-it has been awhile since I have eaten out in a place without a gluten-free menu so I forgot). I also had a half of a glass of wine. The meal was very good and filling. It's amazing how eating healthy can be contagious. It started with my brother, spread to my family and my parents, then spread to some other members of our extended family. Eating healthy was definitely a topic of conversation at lunch today. We talked about how we eat, what we eat and even gave each other some advice on things to try. My brother and dad were even talking to the pastor about Paleo/Primal eating, and he noted one of the books we use so he can check it out =)
Snack: Apple slices
Dinner: We find at the end of the week we have some leftover food we need to use. We actually did pretty well this week and didn't have as many leftovers as usual. That means we planned well. We made seasoned ground turkey, avocado, and salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. We also attempted kale chips for the 3rd time. We didn't burn them, but some of them were not quite crunchy enough to make them chips. The taste was still good though.
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